Saturday, August 2, 2008

There is no way that this could possibly go wrong

Well guys, welcome to the beginning of the end of us officially turning gay. It really has been a wonderful trip, but being somewhat normal human beings was taking a tremendous toll on us. So how can we fix that? Launch a blog of course.

So it is here that I introduce Blacked Out Golfers, a special place where we can provide recaps of our exploits on the greens and have maybe 3 people read about it. Berg and I dreamed this idea up last night while getting shitbombed and there is no possible way that we'll ever come around to regret this.

So, if you ever feel the need to read about boatie cart girls, the running lawsuit against Berg by the Golf Cart Association Of America, this Beetle's theory of how every beer you consume on the course should result in a stroke shaved off your score, or perhaps just a general tip from ol' Ruffino (choke up on the club dammit!!), we'll have you covered.

The over/under on the length of time this blog is regularly updated will officially be set at 5 weeks.


the beet said...

just for the record, i'm taking the over! you just have to believe!

FlanMan said...

I'll believe it when I see it.